January 18, 2009

Ben Franklin craft store ROCKS!

Today my DH took me to a Ben Franklin craft store (how sweet is he!!) close to my house and I was awestruck at the products that they carry! They'd almost everything that I could think of. So many times when I see projects online I've to drop them because M's and J's don't carry half of those products and I don't want to pay shipping for online orders; but now I've Ben Franklin's!!

It had some wonderful wood and chipboard products. Among wood ones there were clipboards and several small cabinets with drawers and there was this mini-dresser to keep on your real dresser that you could paint. It was awesome! Then there was a set of mini-clipboards (chipboard) set that was so cute!

Can you believe it that they had ALL the different stickles?!?! And Brilliant dew drops and Versa color ink spots and memories ink spots?!?! It's a paradise for a paper-crafter!!

If you've one near you and haven't visited one yet - WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR! :-D

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